External Hard Drive Laptop Technology & Computers

Why and How to Backup Your Data

Why and How to Backup Your Data



Backing up data on a hard disk

An external hard disk to back up your data

Backing up data to CD/DVD

Backing up data online

Whether for personal or professional use, a desktop or laptop computer is an indispensable tool full of data you don’t want to lose.

Administrative documents, photos, videos… We quickly find ourselves with an incredible amount of data.

However, no one is safe from:

  • a false manipulation, a technical problem,
  • a virus, a theft, or even a natural disaster.

Therefore, to avoid losing all these data, it is crucial to back up all your files regularly.

For essential data, you can multiply the backup solutions.

There are several ways to back up your data:

  • the hard disk,
  • the external hard disk,
  • CD or DVD,
  • online backup.

Backing up data on a hard disk

Why and How to Backup Your Data

One of the first reflexes to have to back up your data is:

  • Either to dedicate one of the computer’s hard disks to data storage,
  • Or, if the computer has only one hard disk, create a hard disk partition. This way, one section will be allocated to the operating system and programs and the other to file backup.

This way, if you encounter a problem on the computer that requires a repair or reinstallation of the system, only the disk partition or the hard disk on which it is installed will be impacted.

Similarly, most viruses attack the operating system and only the partition or hard disk that contains the operating system.

Of course, this backup technique will not protect your data in the event of a hardware failure so you can opt for a data backup on an external hard disk.

An external hard drive to back up your data

An external hard drive will allow you to store any data.

Backing up your data on an external hard drive will be very easy.

Back up your data on CD / DVD

It is also possible to save your data on CD or DVD.

Once the CD or DVD is burned, you can ensure that your data is saved and cannot be deleted.

You can even store your CDs and DVDs in a safe place.

 This backup method should be preferred for backing up one or more documents, especially several photo or video files.

If you only want to back up a small file, it would be more appropriate to back it up on a USB stick.

Back up data online

Why and How to Backup Your Data

You can also use the network to backup your data.

For this, you can either:

  • Back up your data on a dedicated server: many sites offer online backup and server services.
  • Back up your data by email: you can use your mailbox to back up specific files. This is even more possible since email clients offer increasingly large storage spaces.
  • This way, you will access your data from anywhere with an Internet connection, but you will also be sure not to lose your data in case of hardware failure.

Good to know: You can perform your data backups manually and use software to schedule automatic backups. It is advisable to make backups as regularly as possible.


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