Apple’s new iPhone 13 is a few weeks away from being launched. According to the company’s traditional launch calendar, the new device is to be expected in September, since new iPhones are generally introduced on the last Friday of September we are expecting it to be the 24 September this year. We are expecting the redesigned iPad mini to be launched in September too. Exciting, isn’t it? Apple is really spoiling its users with the latest technology. So, what do we know so far about the iPhone 13…?
Similarity to the iPhone 12:
The new iPhone 13 is expected to be very similar to its predecessor the iPhone 12. It will come in four models: the iPhone 13, the iPhone 13 Pro, the iPhone 13 Mini, and the iPhone 13 Pro Max, which is expected to be ‘la crème de la crème’ among the 13 series.
The prices will be pretty similar to the iPhone 12’s, starting from $ 799 as no significant upgrade will be implemented. The cost will vary just as for the previous iPhone depending on the model and storage capacity.
Better Camera:
We are continually amazed by Apple’s upgraded cameras. The iPhone 12 Pro’s camera is one of the best, already taking professional-like photos and still Apple will improve the photo quality of the iPhone 13’s camera once again. It is said that the new iPhone will have an aperture of f1.8, compared to f2.4 on the iPhone 12 (the lower the aperture number, the better the quality of the images). According to rumours, the rear cameras will be set diagonally instead of vertically. There are no considerable changes expected, maybe a better zoom or quality but no breathtaking transformations.
Touch ID:
Rumours say that the iPhone 13 may reestablish the TOUCH ID, introduced with the iPhone 5S and last seen with the 2nd Gen iPhone SE released on 24 April 2020. The feature is expected to be fixed into the screen rather than on the button.
Here comes the fun part, the iPhone 12 came in six colours; deep blue, minty green, project red, white, black and purple. While the exact colours of the newcomer are still unknown, we may expect a new shade. Following the rumours, the new shade may be orange and bronze and could be named “Sunset Gold”.
iPhone users constantly experiencing a poor battery life can rest assured that the new one will be much better. The latest Pro, namely the iPhone 12 Pro Max, has a battery capacity of 3687 mAh. It is said that the new iPhone 13 Pro Max will have a battery capacity of 4352 mAh compared to its smaller version, the iPhone mini, which will have a battery of 2406 mAh.
Apple is expected to release the iPhone 13 without a lightning port, making it the first model in company history to not have this feature. There are several reasons for this decision, for instance, the recently ratified European Union law stating that all phone manufacturers must adopt a universal charger.
What Will It Be Named?
While everyone is talking about the upcoming iPhone 13, the actual name remains uncertain. The reason could be that the upgrade is not innovative enough from the previous model. So what will it be called, you may ask… Apple did not jump from iPhone 6 to the iPhone 7 but rather to the iPhone 6s when the changes were relatively modest. So maybe we will witness the launch of the new iPhone 12s instead?
We’ve listed the most plausible rumours, according to various tech analysts. While we are waiting for the imminent arrival of the new model, tell us below in the comment what do you think the new iPhone 13 will feature.